Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The opinion from WeThePeople76's Blog

Well, actually I am in disagreement with your opinion that marijuana shouldn't be prohibited. I just collected the history which supports why it shouldn't be allowed.   

California, 1913
The first state marijuana prohibition law was passed in California in 1913. The law received no public notice in the press. It was passed as an obscure technical amendment by the State Board of Pharmacy, which was then leading one of the nation's earliest and most aggressive anti-narcotics campaigns. Prior to the passage of the law, there was no indication that cannabis was a problem in California. The Origins of Cannabis Prohibition in California from California NORML  
Utah, 1914
Utah outlawed marijuana in 1914. A number of Mormons moved to Mexico when polygamy was outlawed in Utah in 1910. When they returned to Utah, marijuana was one of the things they brought back with them. Marijuana was outlawed with a number of other common vices as part of Mormon religious prohibitions enacted into law. 
Other state laws 1915-37
Marijuana was outlawed in 30 states by 1930. There were two primary reasons for the laws. 
In the southwestern states, marijuana was outlawed because of racial prejudice against the Mexicans who used it. As one Texas legislator said, "All Mexicans are crazy and this stuff (marijuana) is what makes them crazy."
In the other states, it was outlawed because of fears that heroin addiction would lead to the use of marijuana - exactly the opposite of the modern "gateway" myth. 
The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937
Marijuana was outlawed at the national level in the US by the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. (Note that the US Government has traditionally used the spelling "marihuana".) There were a number of reasons given for its passage in the congressional testimony. The quotes included:
  • Two weeks ago a sex-mad degenerate, named Lee Fernandez, brutally attacked a young Alamosa girl. He was convicted of assault with intent to rape and sentenced to 10 to 14 years in the state penitentiary. Police officers here know definitely that Fernandez was under the influence of marihuana. But this case is one in hundreds of murders, rapes, petty crimes, insanity that has occurred in southern Colorado in recent years.
  • I wish I could show you what a small marihuana cigaret can do to one of our degenerate Spanish-speaking residents. That's why our problem is so great; the greatest percentage of our population is composed of Spanish-speaking persons, most of who are low mentally, because of social and racial conditions.
  • Did you read of the Drain murder case in Pueblo recently? Marihuana is believed to have been used by one of the bloody murderers.
  • . . .a boy and a girl . . . lost their senses so completely after smoking marihuana that they eloped and were married.
  • It is commonly used as an aphrodisiac, and its continued use leads to impotency.
  • Practically every article written on the effects of the marihuana weed will tell of deeds committed without the knowledge of the culprit, while he was under the influence of this drug. . . .  "A man under the influence of marihuana actually decapitated his best friend; and then, coming out of the effects of the drug, was as horrified as anyone over what he had done" (9). Then we have the case of a young boy in Florida. The story runs as follows: "A young boy who had become addicted to smoking marihuana cigarettes, in a fit of frenzy because, as he stated while still under the marihuana influence, a number of people were trying to cut off his arms and legs, seized an axe and killed his father, mother, two brothers and a sister, wiping out the entire family except himself." (10)

However, I am in agreement that the war on drugs in the U.S hasn't been better definitely. The War On Drugs is no better now than it was in the 1920's when we called it Prohibition. It turns a mild social problem into a major one, creates crime, and takes people away from productive work. It is a cure far worse than any plausible disease.

If you think that the current crop of illegal drugs are "inherently" going to lead to crime in a way that alcohol isn't, you'll have to explain why Al Capone was a big-time mobster, making a large career out of sneaking around the ban on alcohol, and killing people to do it, but no one does that now. The War On Drugs is an attempt to prevent people from using some substances that some government officials believe are "bad for them". It does not affect all harmful substances (for instance, alcohol is excluded), and it does not restrict itself to substances which are mostly harmful. (For instance, there are well documented medical reasons for people to use marijuana, and indeed, the objection that got marijuana in as a controlled substance was raised by people who grew cotton - which makes weaker, heavier, fabric than hemp.)

Lastly, why is the drugs on war bad?
The War On Drugs is a false merging of a problem (drug abuse) with a non-problem (drug use). It is a false dichotomy between "bad" drugs and "good" drugs. No explanation is offered for why it is okay for doctors to prescribe morphine derivatives, but not okay for them to prescribe marijuana. No explanation is offered for the widespread availability of Ritalin and Prozac, but an absolute ban on marijuana.
The War On Drugs artificially inflates the cost of some products (the drugs which have been made illegal) by creating artificial scarcity, which makes the drug trade very profitable; profitable enough for people to kill over. How many people have been killed in turf wars over aspirin? The War On Drugs has created an incentive for the authorities to lose sight of a lot of due process issues.

Friday, May 11, 2012

From No more bopping around blog on April 27.

   I’d definitely agree with your opinion, especially the media ruins the concept of beauty towards women. For the media always try to sell something which can be a merchandise, they sometimes lure or distort certain images of concept. Beauty is one of the most obvious things what we confronted. Now, there is no argument of distinguishing beauty. Some figures of famous actress on TV a lot becomes just standard of beauty. For example, in Korea, we just judge on the beautiful woman that pursues on average of Western pretty woman what actress on TV shows. This is due to the fact that those girls show enthusiasm on plastic surgery, denying on their originality, even though each has their own characteristic and uniqueness. Not only that, but this circumstance rather drives young people to seek to the materialism. For this reason, I think that people should build their own distinctive sight toward the media for not being dominated.